Wednesday, 6 March 2013


A few Tuesday's ago my brother came home from work and handed me a half opened packet of green cheddars (you know, the one with all the mini snack-sized cheddar packets inside? No? You have not lived!) I smiled and thanked him, as one does when receiving an unexpected gift.. And then silently whispered "I don't eat the green ones" under my breath.
But there was something very different about this packet of cheddars, despite the fact that it looked like it had been mangled by a 3 year old in an attempt to get to the contents, this packet seemed heavier than usual. My suspicions were telling me the cheddars were hiding something. 
A secret. A hefty-sized secret.
One by one I removed the mini snack-sized cheddar packets, and then I saw it.
The sleek white box, the half-bitten apple logo, the Helvetica-like text. I'd seen it around before, I knew what it was, I knew it recognized me too. We sussed each other out for a moment, and then it was as if a ray of sunlight broke from the clouds - I could've sworn I'd heard the angels sound the hallelujah chorus - it jumped out the packet and into my hands and we've been inseparable ever since. 

Megan Carrie
is now in a relationship
with her

With this budding new romance on the go, iPhone has introduced me to some of it's friends. One worth mentioning - Instagram - duh. Find me here or if you prefer using search tools, my handle is @megcarrie.

Shifting focus off the iPhone for a few moments, I'd like to dedicate this post to my brother, Andrew James Carrie, who, out of the kindness of his heart just decided, out of the blue, that he "wanted to bless me", not only with an iPhone, but a cover and an olloclip too. I mean, c'mon, that's pretty incredible, right? Shout outs and love to you brother, your generosity has blown me away.

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