Friday, 25 January 2013


Wanderlust (wan-der-lust). n. A very strong or irresistable impulse to travel.

This definition is just about right, except for the part where they forgot to attach my picture next to it. That's right folks, I have been bitten by the travel bug and there ain't no cure. Some of the symptoms (as I am told by highly trained experts) are: endless hours of googling exotic travel destinations, constant visits to airline websites and the occasional bank balance check, which is promptly followed by a good-hearty sob. The following 'slideshow' if you will, is a result of these symptoms. Before you scroll down you may want to consider what you're getting yourself into. 

I, Megan Carrie, will not be held responsible for any travel-bug symptoms that occur hereafter . 

Battery Park, New York

Winter in Kyoto, Japan

Lover's Tunnel, Ukraine

Fairy Pools in the Isle of Skye, Scotland

Moraine Lake, Canada

Sardinia, Italy

 Flathead Lake in northwestern Montana, USA

To Sua Ocean Trench in Lofoga, Samoa

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Cherry Blossom Lake, Sakura, Japan

Santorini, Greece

Mount Fuji, Japan

Marina Bay Sands Sky Park, Singapore

Hidden Beach on Marietas Islands in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico 

Venice, Italy

Wisteria Tunnel at Kawachi Fuji Gardens, in Kitakyushu, Japan

Giola Beach in Thassos, Greece

Northern Lights, Alaska

Paris in Winter

Moss Garden at Saiho Ji in Kyoto, Japan

Warning: Wanderlust is contagious and should not be taken lightly.

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