Saturday, 12 January 2013


Ever come out of a movie with the recurring "I feel so alive" thought bouncing against the walls of your brain? Well, I found myself in that head space a few days ago after watching The Perks of  being a Wallflower. And so it officially gets my stamp of blog-post-approval. Quirky humor contrasted with a heavy story line and some unexpected twists and turns made for a very satisfied customer. And yes, I cried (no one else did). Turns out I'm a bit of a softy.

You can watch the trailer here if you'd like.


  1. i actually really enjoyed this movie! My sister made an outrageous call about the aunt half way through and she turned out to be spot on. who would have guessed? great soundtrack!

  2. La, what a treat to have you here! I was making calls all the way through the movie and was wrong every time, loved it! Soundtrack - I second that.

  3. I can't wait to watch that!

    1. So worth the watch! Let me know what you think Xx
